An overview of the work I did on Breach. My main focus while working on Breach was boss design. I was also the main level designer for the Hero Tutorial. I did a little bit of level design for the other levels and some early objective design. For more in depth videos on boss design please see the other videos in the Breach playlist.
This video covers her spawn in sequence, abilities, dodges, and her mechanic.
Sekhmet is unique in Breach as she is the only boss that has multiple stances. She can switch between a ranged stance and a melee stance. When she does this all of her abilities change. She is also the only boss that has two dodges by default.
The Oni
This video covers the Oni's spawn in sequence, abilities, dodge, and mechanic.
The Oni is unique in Breach because it has 2 different mechanics. The first is Spawning Onibi Orbs which make it immune and give it a 25% haste boost. Its second is the powerful maelstrom ability which pulls all enemies into close range, explodes, and then triggers the Onibi Orbs mechanic.
This is an overview of the boss Ra in Breach. This video covers its spawn in sequence, abilities, dodge, and mechanic.
Ra is unique in Breach because he is the only boss that is able to Fly. When Ra is dodging he can fly into the air like the Veil Demon can. This allows him to by pass normal paths and get to locations faster then the Heroes can.
This is an overview of the Leshei boss in Breach. This video covers its spawn in sequence, abilities, and mechanic.
The Leshei is unique in Breach because it does not have a mechanic that is triggered based on a health threshold. Its mechanic is that it impales heroes on walls when they get knocked into them. It is also the only boss that does not have a Dodge.
My Mass Effect: Andromeda real is still under construction. It will be up as soon as I can finish it. Until then if you want to google my work on Mass Effect: Andromeda the quests I worked on are listed below.