I started out in QA in 2007. Three years later I gave up my full time QA Lead job to chase my dreams. I took a contract level design position, and have been in design ever since. I have worked in most design disciplines at one point or another depending on the project needs, but am most proficient at combat, gameplay, mission scripting, and level design. In my current role at InXile I am split between player side gameplay/combat and creature/AI design. At Aspyr Media I was focused solely on player combat/gameplay Design. At QC Games, my focus was on boss combat design with some level and objective design. At BioWare I focused mostly on mission scripting, mission design, and open world design. Some of the most notable games I have worked on include Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dragon Age Inquisition: The Descent, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Breach, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Remake. I am currently working on an unanounced project.


Most Notable Positions:

InXile Entertainment 2022-Present

Senior combat designer


Aspyr Media, 2019 - 2022

Senior combat designer


QC Games, 2017 - 2019

Senior designer


Bioware, 2008 – 2017
Associate designer (2010 – 2017)
QA associate lead (2009 – 2010)
Contract QA tester (2008 – 2009)


Aspyr Media, Inc., 2007 – 2008
Contract QA tester I



How to contact me:



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